Welcome to the TSU CAHNS Cooperative Extension Program. Cooperative Extension is a nationwide, non-credit educational network. Each U.S. state and territory has a state office at its land-grant university and a network of local or regional offices. The Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program mission is to help educate and provide information to limited resource urban and rural individuals, families, small farmers, and other groups.
Our vision is to be a leader in outreach educational programs. Using a variety of program delivery strategies, we offer practical and useful research-based programs, resources, and publications in agriculture and natural resources, family & consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and community resource and economic development. Faculty on the main campus and county extension agents conduct educational sessions, conferences, and workshops to address community needs.
Partnerships and Collaborations
To provide Tennesseans with or refer them to the best information possible in gaining access to resources in the state that will better their lives, Tennessee State University Extension partners with individuals, agencies and organizations across the state, and the federal government.
Area Small Farm Resources
Contact Information
Finis Stribling, III
Area Small Farm Specialist
Phone: 731-225-2713
Email: fstribling@tnstate.edu