The Chick Chain is a poultry project where you can receive 12 (4th grade) or 25 (5th grade and higher) red or black sex link chicks to raise on your own. We need your name and contact information by the end of December for our chicken order. Baby chicks will be picked up around the middle of March or the first of April. 4-H’er will be responsible for raising chickens to adulthood.
There is no fee for this project as long as you bring and show your chicks in the Chick Chain Poultry Show held on Saturday at the Maury County Fair in September. If you do not show your pullets, there is a charge of $60 for 12 chicks or $90 for 25 chicks.

Sign up for 4-H Chick Chain
- Sign up form needed
Participating Ages
- 4th – 12th grade